Toxicology and Contaminant Assessment Unit
WLRD Science and Technical Support Section
King County, WA
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife
Fish Facilities Unit – Region 3
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, OSU
Hatfield marine Science Research Centre (HMRC), Newport
Research theme- Impacts of contaminants (microplastics, fibers, Tire particles, pesticides) on model species belong to variable salinity gradient.
Fish physiology (FW576)- 4 credit undergraduate and Graduate level course
Course description- Physiological specializations and adaptations of major groups of fishes. This course provides and overview of the varied physiological systems in fish. It investigates the nervous and endocrine systems, which allow fish to perceive and respond to its environment. The second portion of the course focused on the physiological functions needed for survival (respiration, osmoregulation), and the third portion focuses on long -term physiological concerns such as growth and reproduction.
Oceanography (ESCI 3351)- 3 credit Graduate course
Course description- Methods and principles of oceanography. A survey of oceanography with emphasis placed on the physical processes affecting water and water masses of the world oceans. The course is
roughly divided amongst the four main disciplines of oceanography: marine geology, marine chemistry, physical oceanography (i.e., circulation), and marine biology.
General Chemistry I Laboratory (CHEM 1411)- This is a laboratory hands on practice
Course description- This course is designed to give students hands on experience in dealing with chemical concepts. It will introduce the student to the techniques and procedures that are important to the successful practice of experimental general chemistry
Biodiversity Lab (Bio 1020L)- This is a laboratory hands on practice
Course description- This course emphasize an introduction to the diversity of life on Earth with a special emphasis on ecological and evolutionary processes and relationships.